Friday, 24 January 2020

7 Ways to Make Your House Look Classy and Elegant On a Budget

Our homes are the representation of our lifestyle. The way the décor of our house goes, or the degree of tidiness we keep, speaks for itself. So, we all wish to have the interiors done of our house in a way that it looks expensive, classy and elegant. However, hiring an interior designer does not fit everybody’s budget. So, we have to take this on our own shoulders. To help you with the same, we have listed down 6 ways in which you can make your home look stylish and beautiful, without having to spend much!

Classy and Elegant Home Decore in Budget

1. Table lamps

Table lamps add so much beauty to the room. They are also a great accessory and look quite urban as well. They are a great way to level up the lighting of the room and look fabulous if you add them on your bedside or your coffee table. So, you can get a lamp in regular shape or a metallic one and place it right by your bedroom or coffee table. You can also place it on your study table where you read or work. It looks quite elegant. You can get amazing lamps at Pepperfry. Make sure you use the Pepperfry offers to get discounts on your orders.

2. Lighting

Lighting also plays a very important role in making your house look better. Add a lot of lighting, the more the lighting the better. Don’t go for dim lights as they may feel dull after some time. Tube lights are no more a thing. Go for hanging lights which look pretty. You can also go for layered lighting and hang a lot of lights in different light structures which are another way to accessorize your house as well.

3. Bookshelves

Even if you don’t have as many books, having bookshelves at home is a must-have if you wish to make your rooms look classy. Bookshelves make up for a great storage counter and you can not only book this place for books but also add other decoration pieces too. You can add small décor items, antiques, and other art pieces that you have. The bookshelf can turn out to be a great accessory for your rooms if you use them wisely and be creative with them.

4. Paint color

The paint in your room is also a virtue of how classy your house looks. You must always go for a single pop of color and not make it look like a circus. Add solid colors and don’t go overboard with too many types of wallpaper in the house. You can go for wallpapers in eon room and a painted wall on the other. You can decorate your walls in a lot of other ways rather than just paint.

5. Carpets

Carpets have the ability to make your rooms look elegant no matter what you have in the room. You can add a carpet under your center table or your dining table. You can also add it to your kitchen to make it look classy. If you have a bench or a sofa or a chair in your bedroom in the corner, you can add a carpet there as well. It looks great when placed in the right position. You can get carpets also from Pepperfry. Also, use the various peppery coupons to get discounts and save on your orders.

6. Flowers or candles

Flowers are so beautiful that no matter where you add them, the place automatically brightens up. The same goes for candles. Although candles may add smoke, flowers still remain the best. You can light candles occasionally, but you can go flowers anytime you want. You can add some flowers in a vase on your coffee table, kitchen shelf, etc. Candles can be concentrated on dinner tables or bedroom desks.

7. Minimal accessories

Don’t go overboard with your accessories. Minimalism is the key and space should not look stuffed up with too many things.

These are some of the ways in which you can make your rooms look elegant and classy. Plus, with the various Pepperfry coupons you have, you can save on your orders and remain your budget as well.